Monday, July 02, 2007

Starting Summer Session 2

Dear MCC ENG102 Sections for Second Summer Session,

Welcome to ENG102 Online! I look forward to getting to know you over the next five weeks. This is a writing intensive course with specific deadlines you will have to meet. I suggest you get started as soon as possible.

You will be responsible for obtain the following materials (there are more listed in the syllabus):

  • Kirszner, Laurie G., & Mandell, Stephen R. (2005). The concise Wadsworth handbook. Boston: MA: Thomson Higher Education. ISBN: 1-4130-1030-X
    • Please notice “concise,” not “brief.” There is a “Brief Wadsworth Handbook” as well, that is NOT our textbook!

For those of you with AOL accounts, sometimes AOL does not work well with these programs. If you do not already use Internet Explorer as your browser, you may want to download a copy of Firefox to use your web browser ( Firefox is a relatively small, and fast download.

You will also need the following browser players/readers to get started:

If you have not used either delicious, Blogger, or Turnitin before, I suggest that you play around in all the environments. By play, I mean taking the time to hit every button to get a feel for what the programs can do. I also suggest you wander and hit every button in the course website. Do not wait until an hour before a deadline to figure out how everything works.

If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please feel free to email me If you email me, please be sure to include the course and course line number you are enrolled in. I am teaching multiple sections of different courses. I do not keep copies of the rosters near my computer, so you need to clue me in who you are when you email me.

Again, I look forward to working with you all,


PS--Second Summer Session students, ignore the postings "below" this one! That was material for first summer session!

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