Monday, July 30, 2007

finishing the course

Last week!!! Yippy! Some things to help you through:
1. I will getting grading done throughout this week. You will not have an opportunity to revise and resubmit wp#3.
2. You may submit all late work (expect drafts and peer reviews) through midnight this Saturday, August 4th. However, there are no "the technology blitz" excuses for this Saturday. If your computer crashes and you don't get work in by Saturday, too bad. Therefore, I highly suggest you get work submitted earlier.
3. I have emailed you all (gmail accounts) an extra credit opportunity.
4. I will be leaving town on Thursday evening and not getting back until Sunday afternoon. I will NOT be checking email during that time. If you have questions, ask before Thursday.

Feel free to email with any questions. I look forward to reading your wp#3 submissions.

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